Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who Knew Nipples Could Read?

At 5'10" I am taller than the average woman and have even been called a giant by one of my 4th grade students. I know many people who are shorter than me and I would not consider myself a hightest in anyway. Despite this fact, I do not believe pictures should be hung at eye level of short people. I have a few family members and friends who are shorter than 5 feet and I fully support petite people, but I can't even see the pictures and tacky crafts they are trying to show off because they are at the vantage point for my breasts.

What's worse is that the "art" work on the walls is almost always askew. I really don't think it is that difficult to take a little extra time to make sure whatever is hanging on your wall is straight. In some houses I've walked into it looks like they just survived a .4 earthquake. It's better to have nothing on your walls than to have every single object crooked.

So, whether you are petite, average, or tall, I plead with you to hang your pictures at a level where all can see. If you can't reach higher than 3 feet then get a foot stool or a ladder. Also, please hang your pictures straight. Buy a level if you have to, it will be worth every penny.

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