Friday, July 2, 2010

Only in Toole

On Saturday, June 26, I went to the Miller Motorsports Park in Toole County. I went for the Lucas Oil Offroad Series and it definately evoked my adrenaline. All through my college years my life goal (other than to graduate and move on with my life) was to become the next Danica Patrick. I do not believe that goal will ever come to be, but it was exciting to watch other people live my dream. I believe the most memorable part of the races was not the fancy driving, the flashy trucks and buggies, or even the hard core crashes, but the people who attend and work at the races.

One of the most memeorable sights was a little boy with a mullet-hawk. If you are unfamiliar with a mullet-hawk, and I really hope you are, it is exactly what you think it is. Punk in the front and party in the back. I don't know why any parent would subject their child to such a hideous fashion statement, but there it was in Tooele County, in all its glory.

Of course there were other memorable people, like a very leathery woman who, just by looking at her, convinced me to spend less time in the sun. At one point during one of the races some girls came to the stands to hand out free hats and it's a really good thing they had strong burly men protecting them, otherwise I'm pretty sure they would have been solicited for certain favors, if you know what I mean. I'm also pretty sure I've never seen so many wife beaters (the garment, not the person - but who knows?) in all my life, sported by both sexes.

When the races were over I was in desperate need of sustanance, so we drove to the beautiful city of Tooele in hopes of finding somewhere to eat. If you've ever been to Tooele, you know this was a difficult endeavor. I had never been to Tooele before and did not know the city does not have a lot of restaurant options. We finally decided on a place that served Chinese, Polynesian, and American food. Personally, I have yet to eat at a Chinese restaurant where I actually anjoyed eating the food, but I had hoped that it might be at least edible. Despite the sign out front, there was not a single item of Polynesian food on the menu and as bad as I think Chinese food is, I'm not brave enough to order American food off the menu since they can't even make food from their own country, I don't want them ruining the food from mine.

This Chinese restaurant did not even meet my already low expectations. The cream cheese wontons, which I usually like, were actaully chewy. My cashew chicken was not good at all and, even though I was with someone who loves Chinese food, he didn't even like his kung pow chicken. Even the egg roles were disgusting, how do you ruin an egg role? I really did not expect high quality, going to a Chinese restaurant in Tooele, but I did expect to at least be able to swallow my food. So, if you are ever hungry and happen to find yourself in Tooele, do not attempt to fill your belly at Sun Lok Yuen where the Chinese food is gross, the Polynesian food is non-existant, and I didn't even dare attempt their version of American.

On our way back to civilization we stopped off at Saltair to visit the Great Salt Lake. While beautiful from afar, the lake is not so lovely close up. I'm pretty sure the sand around the lake is where all seagulls from all over the world go to die because it was a bird bone yard. When visiting the Great Salt Lake, you expect a repulsive smell, but I think it's always worse than you expect. It was beautiful to see the sun set over the lake, but I would have to say the highlight of the visit was receiving a dozen bug bites all over my body in just the few minutes I was out there, including being bit through my shorts.

My visit to Tooele was definataly eventful. I would very much recommend going to the Miller Motorsports Park, the Great Salt Lake is beautiful from far away and if you are daring it is an experience to see it up close. I definately would not recommend eating at a Chinese restaurant in Tooele because even if you like food from the Orient you'll be left with a sour taste in your mouth.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lunch With a Transvestite and Dirty Underwear

The Galivan Center in downtown Salt Lake City is currently under construction. Because of this they do not have the summer activities that they normally do. They have not left us natives without any entertainment though, because they have free Lunch Bunch concerts every week day where local musicians can come and play for a small group of people on their lunch break. I attended this event on Tuesday June 29 with my niece and 3 children under the age of 6.

The concert was uneventful and not really worth even paying for parking to see it. I didn't expect anything grandiose, but I really did expect minor talent at least. Although the concert was a bust, there were still a few events that made the trip worthwhile.

The first event happened on the way to the concert. We had already enetered the Gallivan Center and as we were walking around we saw a vision. Coming the opposite direction of which we were walking was a middle-aged man in a wheelchair. The thing that set him apart from others around him though was not his wheelchair, but the red dress he was wearing. Upon closer examination you could see his periwinkle heals, headband, and full on make-up. That's right, he was dressed to the nines for his afternoon out.

The next memorable moment happened when we were walking back to the car. Because we live in Utah, and you can't get away from the construction, not even in the heart of downtown, we were forced to walk through one of those white wooden sidewalk tunnels that they but up so a brick or a beam won't accidentally fall on your head and kill you. At the very end of the walkway, laying in a heap on the ground was a skid-marked pair of men's Tighty Whities. To make it all the better, they were directly behind a taco stand. I lost my appetite for all food Mexican right at that moment in time.

If you ever have a moment during your lunch break or have the day off and want to head downtown, the Lunch Bunch concerts are at the Gallivan Center every weekday from 12-1 until August 30. Even if the concert isn't worth going to, you're bound to find something exciting.

Who Knew Nipples Could Read?

At 5'10" I am taller than the average woman and have even been called a giant by one of my 4th grade students. I know many people who are shorter than me and I would not consider myself a hightest in anyway. Despite this fact, I do not believe pictures should be hung at eye level of short people. I have a few family members and friends who are shorter than 5 feet and I fully support petite people, but I can't even see the pictures and tacky crafts they are trying to show off because they are at the vantage point for my breasts.

What's worse is that the "art" work on the walls is almost always askew. I really don't think it is that difficult to take a little extra time to make sure whatever is hanging on your wall is straight. In some houses I've walked into it looks like they just survived a .4 earthquake. It's better to have nothing on your walls than to have every single object crooked.

So, whether you are petite, average, or tall, I plead with you to hang your pictures at a level where all can see. If you can't reach higher than 3 feet then get a foot stool or a ladder. Also, please hang your pictures straight. Buy a level if you have to, it will be worth every penny.